понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

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I did some reading online about nutmeg and other legal drugs. I�guess nutmeg is pretty dangerous. The amount you need to get high is enough to do severe liver damage. My liver does hurt a bit I�guess. Thatapos;s not stopping me from trying it again. Maybe a bigger dose even. I�wonder if this is like me killing myself. Starvation and poisoning myself. I have these lumps on my neck, and Iapos;m not doing anything about it. It may be swollen glands from puking so much. I really donapos;t know if I�want to live anyway. So I�guess Iapos;ll just keep doing whatever until itapos;s over. Iapos;m just afraid that someday I may want to live, but will end up dying from what I did to my body. Oh well, now isnapos;t the time to think of that. For now I just have to live. Thatapos;s what people keep telling me.

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суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

drawing looney tune

UT 56 Mizzou 31

HAHAHA After any score, or punt to UT, the Longhorn Band starts up the short version of the fight song. Near the end, youapos;re supposed to yell "Give apos;em hell, give hell, go Horns go" But, over the years, that has been changed to "...make apos;em eat shit" It just depends on you and the way the gameapos;s going as to what you yell. Almost every time the fight song has been played tonight, enough people yelled "make apos;em eat shit" that it was noticeably audible. That rocks. ABC canapos;t really do anything about censoring it since the commentators are almost always talking over, and I donapos;t think itapos;s on any kind of time delay. Eeexxxellent.

You know your play goes really well when you fake out the camera guy. (Iapos;m talking about the quarterback sneak for UTapos;s first TD.)

The first BCS rankings come out tomorrow. Iapos;m not really nervous that we wonapos;t be #1. We have the strength of schedule plus the wins to push us to the top. Now we just have to stay there until January.

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i hate waking up before the sun. It cramps my style. But i was up at 6:30 this morning. Baaaarf. Iapos;m listening to the mix on my myspace page though and itapos;s helping me wake up.

and my lungs hurt like a bitch today. Theyapos;ve been bad all week, but today is the worst. I coughed up a little blood today which means itapos;s cold out seriously this sucks. Fortunately, i can go to a lung doctor on the cheap and maybe get fixed.

yesterday was cool. Me and my dad went and ate arabic food and saw apos;w.apos;. It was good, if a little disjointed. My dad loved it. I think itapos;s possible it might win an oscar.

haha oh hey, so. I got my check yesterday. And they took out ALMOST A THIRD of it for taxes. But i paid back will half of what i owe him, paid back my sister, and am paying back my dad today and i still have a pretty decent chunk of coin, though so i guess i shouldnapos;t complain.

i need to buy a sash..like..a beauty-queen style sash that says MISS WASILLA, unless anyone has a better suggestion as to what i should have it say. Iapos;m going to wear that w/a business suit (iapos;m gonna look for a pink one, but fortunately iapos;ve seen her wear pretty much every colour), carry a toy rifle, wear a cross necklace, and a giant gaudy flag pin. Iapos;m also going to look for shoes that are similar to the gross looking red ones that she wears all the time. By she i mean sarah palin. Haha. But yeah....does anyone have any other suggestions about my costume? let me know

ok. Iapos;m gonna go get dressed or something.
eant, eanswers, eanswer, eansw.

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What I know Im getting for my birthday:

~Panda bag from Korea

~Gackt DVD set with coffin clock from J-pan

~Lapos;arc En Ciel: KISS (new cd) from J-pan which also comes with a free random japanese artists CD.

~Rocking horse lolita shoes in black from Hong Kong

And... I dont know what else. I also bought myself (today) Eternal Sonata cuz ... Its litterily.. The best game on earth. AND a mini top hat and mini pirate hat and white angel wings and so much stuff I dont need. :P Thats SO me isnt it?

AH and I cut my hair like.. A boy. I can come it to look all girly with a headband or bow but without it pretty much looks like a boys hair cut. But a cute cut.. Not like ugly cut XD.

And my teeth hurt.. Hardcore.

And my nose isnt bleeding anymore :D

Thats all for now.

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

agios apartment heraklion holiday

I REALLY want to go home. I was doing ok, but now Iapos;m thinking about all the things I could be getting done and I want to go home, but I know I have to wait till 5 to even get started :(


I have early lunch today and I only have one doc in this afternoon. If anyone asks if I want to go home early I am SOOOO taking the opprotunity. After work Iapos;m going to stop by main to check the mail and see if my herogram stuff has come in yet. I really hope it gets here soon. I want to take Halloween off if I can.

Good news on that though, Iapos;ve been switched to on call that day, so if I CANapos;T take it off, thereapos;s a much higher chance that Iapos;ll be off by 5

More later, I have to head to lunch.
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